Adult Education
Contact Person: Mrs. Leslie Towle, 401-333-4014 Ext. 12
The Adult Education Committee keeps us informed and educated in our religious beliefs, as well as any changes in the church. Being part of this committee will enable you to help choose topics for workshops, as well as presenters for our annual Parish Mission.
Adult Initiation Committee
Contact Persons: 401-333-4013
The Adult Initiation Committee assists any adult wishing to join the Church, or receive the Sacraments of Penance, Eucharist or Confirmation. Serving on this committee allows you an opportunity to share our faith with those adults who are eager to learn. R.C.I.A.
Baptism Preparation
Contact Person: Rev. Charles H. Galligan, Pastor, 401-333-4013 Ext. 14
The fundamental purpose of the Baptism Preparation Program is to educate new parents about the sacrament of Baptism. The program, however, also serves as a vehicle by which new parents and their infants feel truly welcomed into the larger parish family of St. Joseph’s. Serving on this committee will allow you to be of the first people to welcome our new member into God’s family.
Bereavement Committee
Contact Person: Denise Archambeault, 722-2809
Boy Scouts
Contact Person: Michael Kenyon, Scout Master 401-255-8692
Scouting at St. Joseph Parish is about service to the community and learning basic values of good citizenship. It is youth teaching youth under the leadership of adults.
Building and Grounds Committee
Contact Person: Jay Coia, 769-7523
This committee deals with improvements to parish buildings and grounds.
Cemetery Board
Contact Person: Bob Chaput, 334-3268
The cemetery board is involved in the maintenance, development and marketing of the parish cemetery, chapel and columbarium.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Contact Person: Carrie Guerra 333-4013
This ministry assists in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Attention is given to people with special needs.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick
Contact Person: Carrie Guerra
Being a Eucharistic Minister to the sick involves visiting a few minutes with people. You conduct a short Prayer Service and then you the person Communion. Being part of this committee allows you the privilege of bringing Jesus to those who might otherwise go without
Finance Council
Contact Person: Mary Ann McCourt 334-5094
The purpose of the finance council is to participate in the budgeting, auditing and investment activities of the parish and to assist the Pastor in financial issues that may arise.
Contact Person: Carrie Guerra 401-333-4013
Lectors are responsible for the clear proclamation of the Word of God at our Liturgies. Serving as a lector, will enable you to help our Parish Family clearly listen and understand the Word of God.
Liturgy Committee
Contact Person: Rev. Charles H. Galligan, 401-333-4013. This committee generally oversees the worship of our Parish Community. We help plan our annual Parish Mission, as well as workshops for lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. We also help produce the Lenten and Advent Newsletters.
Parish Choir
Contact Person: Mrs. Kelly Jensen, Organist/Director, 401-658-2067
A hymn is an invitation for the faithful to come in spirit to worship and join their voices in joyful celebration of the Eucharist. Our music ministry is over a century old and parishioners to this day continue to provide liturgical music enriching the spiritual lives of our parishioners. Choir rehearsals are on Monday evenings, Beginning on October 29, 2018. at 6:30-8:00pm in the church.
Parish Events Committee
Contact Person: Gerard Tougas, 333-0683
The parish events committee plans all parish events such as the flea market, parish bazaar, lenten soup kitchen, and bus tours.
Pro-Life Ministry
Contact 333-4013
The Pro-Life ministry promotes activities in support of all human life.
Religious Education Coordinator
Contact Person: Leslie Towle 401-333-4014
The purpose of this committee is to teach the youth of our parish family about their Catholic faith. Classes are held once a week generally in the Parish Center or in the Rectory. Serving on this committee will allow you an opportunity to share your gift of faith with our young people and watch as they grow in their journey of faith.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Contact Person: Bud Gardner 333-4013
The Vincentian spirit helps its members to serve the poor and needy of the area. We assess the need by home visitation to see where we can be of help to the family or person in need of assistance.
Special Religious Education Program – SPRED
Contact Person: Ann Jasparo 333-0183
This is a special part of our Religious education program, serving the needs of the disabled and learning disabled for age six through adulthood. The program runs from October to May and sessions are held in local Spred Centers. Serving on this committee will allow you to be part of a program that is spiritually enriching for both catechists and parishioners.
Contact Person: Bud Gardner 333-4013
Ushers serve as the miniters of hospitality, welcoming all to our community of faith. They are responsible for the smooth flow of our liturgical celebrations. Serving on this committee gives you the unique privilege of being the first to welcome someone into God’s house.
Youth Ministry Committee
Contact Person: Leslie Towle 401-333-4014 Ext. 12
This committee works with the seventh and eighth graders in our Parish Family. They assist the catechists with special events and projects, such as the Basket Booth at our Christmas Bazaar. Serving on this committee gives the youth of our Parish an opportunity to see the whole community working together to help build the kingdom.
Welcome Committee: Contact Person: Deborah Pistacchio, 726-5677
This committee welcomes and visits new families who have registered. It provides parish information and extends the invitation to new family members to participate and join one or more of the parish ministries and /or organizations